25 research outputs found

    Herramienta de monitorización para mejorar las prestaciones de los grupos electrógenos fueloil en Cuba

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    En emplazamientos de grupos electrógenos de tecnología Hyundai instalados en Cuba se han presentado algunos problemas de funcionamiento que imposibilitan una rápida y correcta respuesta de los operarios ante distintas situaciones ocurridas. Por ejemplo, los reguladores de viscosidad en las baterías de los emplazamientos han sufrido averías debido a las vibraciones y altas temperaturas, ocasionando interrupciones, aumento del consumo de combustible, afectaciones en el suministro energético, elevación de los costes de explotación, incremento de la frecuencia de mantenimiento, afectación en la eficacia del Grupo y disminución de su vida útil, haciéndose más sensible al estar enlazado con el sistema nacional. Además, debido a la mala calidad y ubicación deficiente de los termómetros encargados de medir la temperatura de los gases a la salida de los cilindros de los motores hay una tendencia creciente a un daño irreparable en los mismos, ya que en algunos casos la lectura no es posible y no se garantiza la fiabilidad de la medición. En este trabajo se propone una posible solución a los problemas anteriormente mencionados mediante una herramienta de monitorización que permite incorporar a la aplicación de supervisión y control las mediciones de temperatura, la posibilidad de interactuar con la viscosidad, nuevas alarmas y acciones correctivas que el operador debe realizar. Las acciones anteriormente reseñadas se espera que contribuyan a la mejora de la disponibilidad energética de los grupos de esta tecnología, ya que garantizan que las válvulas de escape no se quemen y por tanto no se pierda la energía térmica que se convierte en energía mecánica de rotación. Además de aportar a la eficiencia energética se elimina el gasto por continuas adquisiciones de válvulas, montaje y mantenimiento. Con relación a la viscosidad se garantiza el funcionamiento del emplazamiento a plena capacidad y se ahorra en la adquisición de instrumentos como viscosímetr

    Simulación de la dinámica de un secador solar usando la teoría del caos

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    The simulation is a technique that represents a system, It allows to diagnose its operation, help establish its behavior and control their possible variations, why has become a very important tool in technology development, saving money, time and work. Despite the advantages, there are systems that are extremely difficult to simulate, since its complexity and unpredictability in time is very large, especially those associated with environmental conditions as in the case of solar drying is subject to variables weather, although it is designed properly functioning models regarding the efficiency obtained, but little has been done to improve it, given the development of alternative technologies or applications that have been given to it. In this framework and in order to contribute to the improvement of this type of technology that can be easily adopted by developing countries, with which they can make much better use their natural resources and knowledge, without major technological investment and high degree of accuracy, the present investigation is proposed to apply the Chaos Theory applies as operating base  of a solar drying  model in conditions of the Ecuadorian Highlands Index Terms— Secador solar, modelo matemático, teoría del caos, modelo de simulación, energía solar, altiplano Ecuatoriano

    Propuesta de un plan de gestión del mantenimiento del sistema de respaldo de energía eléctrica del Hospital de Especialidades Portoviejo

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    In the health sector, the quality and safety of the electricity supply play a very important role in the operation of hospitals and clinics. One of the fundamental aspects for the proper functioning of any type of hospital facility is the management of the electrical system, today it is more important than ever to design and operate electrical systems that not only have the maximum practicable efficiency, but also have the highest degree of security and reliability. But beyond this, special attention must be paid not only to the continuous supply of energy but also to its quality, referring to the distortions that may be present in terms of voltage or frequency variations. To guarantee proper operation, health centers must have an energy backup system that guarantees that electricity will not be affected or interrupted despite failures that may occur. In this study, the Portoviejo Specialty Hospital was taken as the research context, where qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative audits were carried out, to stage the maintenance problem in the electrical backup system. Taking into account that the electric power backup unit is made up of Generators and UPS, a criticality analysis was carried out on each one of them, analyzing various parameters, with the aim of finding the highly critical equipment and proceeding to evaluate them in addition to determine the maintenance tasks for each of them, considering the existing problems in the electrical system, where failures or stoppages in the generation system can occur at unexpected times. In the criticality analysis of the UPS, 5 components were obtained in a Critical state with ranges of 133.33 < Score ≤ 200; 5 teams were obtained in regular or Semi-Critical status with values ​​of 82, 87, 116 and 123 located in the range of 66.66 < Score ≤ 133.33. And 8 components were obtained in Non-Critical status with a value of 33, 58, 66 which are located within the range 6 ≤ Score ≤ 66.66. Likewise Based on the criteria evaluated in the criticality analysis, 5 components were obtained in Critical status with ranges of 136 and 156, located in the margin 133.33 < Score ≤ 200; 5 teams were obtained in regular or Semi-Critical status with values ​​of 99, 111, 126 and 123, located in the range of 66.66 < Score ≤ 133.33. And 2 components were obtained in a Non-Critical state with a value of 34 and 42, which is located within the range 6 ≤ Score ≤ 66.66. We understand as operations or critical loads everything that implies the continuity of the life of patients such as: operating rooms or intensive care, emergencies, laboratories, nursing stations, radiology, water treatment and vital medical equipment or systems, among others. In the case of normal operation, if there is a fault, the cut must not be greater than 60 seconds and for critical loads, the lack of energy cannot exceed 10 seconds, that is, the backup acts immediately when it comes to saving a person's life. The use of the Criticality analysis in the Hospital's Energy Backup System allowed us to make the right decisions and focus on the UPS and Generator equipment that is most critical, for which an FMEA was applied to both generators and UPS, with the aim of in order to perform better management to maximize its availability, maintainability and reliability. Keywords: electric power, hospital, safety, management plan, maintenance.En el sector de la salud, la calidad y seguridad del suministro eléctrico juegan un papel muy importante para la operatividad de hospitales y clínicas. Uno de los aspectos fundamentales para el buen funcionamiento de cualquier tipo de instalación hospitalaria es la gestión del sistema eléctrico, hoy día es más importante que nunca diseñar y operar sistemas eléctricos que, no sólo tengan la máxima eficiencia practicable, sino que, además, tengan el más alto grado de seguridad y confiabilidad. Pero más allá de esto, se debe tener especial atención no sólo en el suministro continuo de energía sino también en la calidad de ésta, referido a las distorsiones que pueden estar presentes en términos de variaciones de tensión o de frecuencia. Para garantizar un correcto funcionamiento, los centros de salud deben contar con un sistema de respaldo de energía que garantice que la electricidad no se verá afectada o interrumpida pese a fallas que puedan presentarse. En este estudio se tomó como contexto de investigación al Hospital de Especialidades Portoviejo, donde se practicaron auditorias cualitativas, semi- cuantitativas y cuantitativas, para escenificar la problemática del mantenimiento, en el sistema de respaldo eléctrico. Teniendo en cuenta que la unidad de respaldo de energía eléctrica está compuesta por Generadores y UPS, se realizó un análisis de criticidad a cada uno de ellos, analizando varios parámetros, con el objetivo de encontrar los equipos de alta criticidad y proceder a evaluarlos además de determinar las tareas de mantenimiento para cada uno de ellos, considerando las problemáticas existentes en el sistema eléctrico, donde las fallas o paros en el sistema de generación se pueden dar en momentos inesperados. En el análisis de criticidad de los UPS se obtuvieron 5 componentes en estado Crítico con rangos de 133,33 < Puntaje ≤ 200; se obtuvieron 5 equipos en estado regular o Semi-Crítico con valores de 82, 87. 116 y 123 ubicados en el rango de 66,66 < Puntaje ≤ 133,33. Y se obtuvo 8 componentes en estado No Crítico con un valor de 33, 58, 66 los cual se ubican dentro del rango 6 ≤Puntaje ≤ 66,66. Así mismo En base a los criterios evaluados en el análisis de criticidad se obtuvieron 5 componentes en estado Crítico con rangos de 136 y 156, ubicados en el margen 133,33 < Puntaje ≤ 200; se obtuvieron 5 equipos en estado regular o Semi-Crítico con valores de 99, 111, 126 y 123, ubicados en el rango de 66,66 < Puntaje ≤ 133,33. Y se obtuvo 2 componentes en estado No Crítico con un valor de 34 y 42 el cual se ubica dentro del rango 6 ≤Puntaje ≤ 66,66. Entendemos como operaciones o cargas críticas todo lo que implique la continuidad de la vida de los pacientes como: salas de operación o cuidados intensivos, emergencias, laboratorios, estaciones de enfermería, radiología, tratamiento de aguas y equipamiento o sistemas médicos vitales, entre otros. En el caso de la operación habitual, si hubiera una falla, el corte no debe ser mayor a 60 segundos y para cargas críticas, la falta de energía no puede superar los 10 segundos, es decir el respaldo actúa de inmediato cuando se trata de salvar la vida de una persona. El uso del análisis de Criticidad en el Sistema de Respaldo de Energía del Hospital permitió tomar decisiones acertadas y enfocarnos en los equipos de UPS y Generadores que se encuentran más críticos, por lo que se aplicó un AMEF tanto a generadores como a UPS, con el fin de realizar una mejor gestión para maximizar de su disponibilidad, mantenibilidad y confiabilidad. Palabras clave: energía eléctrica, hospital, seguridad, plan de gestión, mantenimiento. Abstract In the health sector, the quality and safety of the electricity supply play a very important role in the operation of hospitals and clinics. One of the fundamental aspects for the proper functioning of any type of hospital facility is the management of the electrical system, today it is more important than ever to design and operate electrical systems that not only have the maximum practicable efficiency, but also have the highest degree of security and reliability. But beyond this, special attention must be paid not only to the continuous supply of energy but also to its quality, referring to the distortions that may be present in terms of voltage or frequency variations. To guarantee proper operation, health centers must have an energy backup system that guarantees that electricity will not be affected or interrupted despite failures that may occur. In this study, the Portoviejo Specialty Hospital was taken as the research context, where qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative audits were carried out, to stage the maintenance problem in the electrical backup system. Taking into account that the electric power backup unit is made up of Generators and UPS, a criticality analysis was carried out on each one of them, analyzing various parameters, with the aim of finding the highly critical equipment and proceeding to evaluate them in addition to determine the maintenance tasks for each of them, considering the existing problems in the electrical system, where failures or stoppages in the generation system can occur at unexpected times. In the criticality analysis of the UPS, 5 components were obtained in a Critical state with ranges of 133.33 < Score ≤ 200; 5 teams were obtained in regular or Semi-Critical status with values ​​of 82, 87, 116 and 123 located in the range of 66.66 < Score ≤ 133.33. And 8 components were obtained in Non-Critical status with a value of 33, 58, 66 which are located within the range 6 ≤ Score ≤ 66.66. Likewise Based on the criteria evaluated in the criticality analysis, 5 components were obtained in Critical status with ranges of 136 and 156, located in the margin 133.33 < Score ≤ 200; 5 teams were obtained in regular or Semi-Critical status with values ​​of 99, 111, 126 and 123, located in the range of 66.66 < Score ≤ 133.33. And 2 components were obtained in a Non-Critical state with a value of 34 and 42, which is located within the range 6 ≤ Score ≤ 66.66. We understand as operations or critical loads everything that implies the continuity of the life of patients such as: operating rooms or intensive care, emergencies, laboratories, nursing stations, radiology, water treatment and vital medical equipment or systems, among others. In the case of normal operation, if there is a fault, the cut must not be greater than 60 seconds and for critical loads, the lack of energy cannot exceed 10 seconds, that is, the backup acts immediately when it comes to saving a person's life. The use of the Criticality analysis in the Hospital's Energy Backup System allowed us to make the right decisions and focus on the UPS and Generator equipment that is most critical, for which an FMEA was applied to both generators and UPS, with the aim of in order to perform better management to maximize its availability, maintainability and reliability. Keywords: electric power, hospital, safety, management plan, maintenance. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 04 de octubre de 2021.Fecha de aceptación: 26 de noviembre de 2021.Fecha de publicación: 08 de diciembre de 2021

    Communications in flexible supervisor for laboratory research in renewable energy

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    In laboratories new systems are created where researchers hope to obtain improved functions at a reasonable cost. In them, specialists need efficient tools that offer better performance and flexible features. This paper designs and implements a SCADA system for GERA laboratory (Scientific Group for Applied Renewable Energy at the University of Oriente) adjusted to the inherent characteristics of flexibility and functionality required in research centers. All these features are supported in an efficient communication system with the implementation of various protocols and novel solutions for this type of systems for monitoring and control. It verifies and validates the system for formal methods

    Speed control in DC and AC drives

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    Three speed-control strategies for DC and AC drives are presented in this study: a proportional integral derivative (PID) control strategy; an internal model control (IMC); and a state-space control by pole assignment with full state observer (ESSO). The three strategies are applied to a case study, demonstrating the potential of each one. Experimental identification was used to obtain the drive models used for the synthesis of the controllers. The three strategies showed satisfactory results when compared with the requirements imposed on the system, in addition to the good rejection of disturbances. However, the IMC strategy showed itself to be a little softer and with no maximum overshoot, which in some cases and some applications is usually a restriction

    Caracterización energética preliminar de la UTM de cara a su optimización

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    The work is based on the application of agents software theory to improve the supervisory system of installa-tions. It uses the theory of BDI architecture (Beliefs – Desires - Intentions) for agents programming. Also was used the UML (Unified Modelling Language) for designing the actions of agents and their interaction with the surrounding environment. Furthermore is employed in Supervisory System development in Siemens WinCC flexible package programming, through which facilitate communications with PLCs and the process for obtain-ing the variables to modify in the system for different operating conditions with the help of intelligent agents. Later this created system was used to record the behaviour of the system to different input signals and disturb-ances. The importance of this work deal with the introduction of intelligent agents in supervisory systems opens the door to integration of new IT developments. Index Terms— Agentes inteligentes, sistemas multiagentes, control y supervisión, renewable energ

    Diseño de Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes para una Gestión Energética

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    Este documento presenta el diseño de una red eléctrica inteligente que permita gestionar de forma eficiente el consumo energético del edificio Nº 3 de docentes de la UTM. Por tal razón, se utilizan las técnicas y herramientas de IA e IC con la finalidad de encontrar un sistema que se adapte a las situaciones requeridas por el sistema eléctrico de la edificación. Con las consideraciones antes mencionadas se utilizó una arquitectura de RNA con RBF, la cual analizará los diferentes parámetros eléctricos con la finalidad de brindar los resultados esperados con los que se pueda dar paso a la toma de decisión que tendrá la red eléctrica inteligente. El sistema desarrollado fue implementado en el entorno Matlab 2018a.N/

    Enfoque del empleo de las redes neuronales de base radial en las redes eléctricas inteligentes en la UTM.

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    In the presented work, an analysis of the use of artificial intelligence is proposed, as a way to solve the problems that arise in the daily work of electrical networks. By implementing the distributed generation with contributions from generating elements with the incorporation of renewable energy sources in them, as well as connection of consumer elements in different points of the network, conflicts are established regarding the transmission of electrical energy in the different scenarios. It is therefore essential to manage the direction in which energy is transmitted in the network, as well as the organized connection and disconnection of each of the elements, the creation of intelligent decision-making elements, to what is called Intelligent Electrical Network (Smart Grids). For the decision making it is proposed to use artificial intelligence techniques, and according to the experience in the work of transmission lines it has been selected to work with the topology of radial-based neural networks to undertake the different tasks regarding the intelligent decision. Index Terms— electrical networks, smart grids, distributed generation, transmission line, renewable energ

    Levantamiento y detección de puntos calientes mediante la cámara termográfica en el alimentador #1 San Plácido, subestación Playa Prieta – piedra azul de la CNEL - EP unidad de negocio Manabi

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    The investigative work is based on the detection of hot spots in the 13.8 KV distribution line system, from the Sanabacid 1 San Placido feeder, the Playa Prieta - Piedra Azul substation of the CNEL - EP Manabí Business, elaborated with the professional thermographic camera, with the aim of predicting faults and determining the type of maintenance they would need, whether predictive, preventive or corrective, After performing the structural analysis to identify the mechanical damages of each pole and structure of the system, the thermographic study was carried out with the respective calculations and statistical analyzes, statistical results related to maintenance planning are shown.. Index Terms faults, detection and isolationand, maintenance, predictive, preventive or correctiv